Closing of the Continental Mission Year for Africa and Madagascar 2021: Resolutions discussed

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Closing of the Continental Mission Year for Africa and Madagascar 2021: Resolutions discussed

Montfort News
Published by FR. Nobert Kashaija, SMM in Africa Anglophone · Wednesday 02 Mar 2022
Tags: NUAFA808
[FR]  [ES]

NAIROBI, Kenya - From the 17th to the 20th of February 2022, representatives from the three entities of Africa and Madagascar met at the Montfort Missionaries International Scholasticate in Nairobi, Kenya. Those physically present were the representatives from the Africa Anglophone General Delegation and the Africa Francophone General Delegation. The members from the Vice Province of Madagascar followed the meeting via the Zoom platform, they were unable to travel due to the challenges brought about by restrictions from Covid-19 pandemic.
The meeting progressed very well and the representatives who were led by the superiors of the three entities and directed by Fr. Felix Mabvuto PHIRI SMM who is the General Assistant in charge of Africa and Madagascar, were able to draw together some practical resolutions based on the suggestions raised by the Continental Assembly of October 2021. The meeting was pending due to the challenges with the pandemic and the busy schedules at the end of the year and the beginning of 2022.

It was a jovial mood as the members were able to interact and share with one another freely in a spirit of brotherhood. The members present were able to share their experiences in mission and testimonies in different fields of apostolate including formation, mission, transmission of Montfortian heritage, integral to the protection of minors and the vulnerable, finances and communion. The underlying factor in all these discussions was the forging of a collaboration in these entities on the issues mentioned.

The meeting ended on Sunday 20th February 2022 with the commissioning of the participants by Fr. Felix who sent the participants to carry the spirit of these resolutions into the communities and the countries where they are working.  In his homily during the Eucharistic celebration, he referred to the meeting as a risk that the participants had been able to overcome, he indicated that the members had been tested and they had succeeded an indication of stronger commitment to the values of the Company of Mary.

The commissioning of the participants marked the closure of the Continental Mission Year for Africa and Madagascar that begun on the 31st of January 2021 in Gethega in Burundi. The participants received a rosary each as symbolic reminder of the graces of the Continental Mission Year. The members later shared an evening dinner with the confreres working in Nairobi.


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