Community Life and Fraternal Life

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Community Life and Fraternal Life

Montfort News
Published by Bro. Joseph Victor, SMM in Madagascar · Thursday 12 May 2022 ·  1:30
Tags: NUMAD850
[FR]  [ES]

ANALAMALOTRA, Madagascar - Following a decision taken during a council concerning training in our Entity, all the young people in formation from the pre-postulancy to the scholasticate and formators should meet once a year. Inspired by the writings of our Congregation, the rules of life and the personal experience within our community, we decided to spend a friendly moment together to strengthen not only the knowledge of each other, but also the fraternal life. This authentic fraternal life is one of the challenges in our commitment to religious life as Montfortians.
Arrived at Analamalotra (community of the Novitiate), the young people who were accompanied by the formators found themselves in joy on Easter Monday 2022. We were composed of 7 pre-postulants, 9 postulants, 2 novices, 7 scholastics, 2 brothers and 3 priests responsible for the youth. In a pleasant and friendly atmosphere, we lived an unforgettable moment in prayers, group work, collective games, board games and manual work. The day ended with a recreational evening through entertainment and community meals aimed at maintaining fraternal relations.
The duration seemed very short but it was a crucial moment for us. This meeting allowed us all to comfort each other, following the death of Father Lucien, whose funeral is scheduled for this week.
In short, the two days we spent together were enriching, allowing us to build relationships through dialogue, sharing, entertainment and collective games. It was a fraternal communion lived in joy and love.
“Whom loves his brother dwells in the light.” God Alone.
Bro. Joseph Victor, SMM

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