Expansion of the mission of Father Wismick JEAN-CHARLES, S.M.M.

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Expansion of the mission of Father Wismick JEAN-CHARLES, S.M.M.

Montfort News
Published by SMM Communications in Rome · Tuesday 12 Nov 2019 ·  1:45
Tags: NUGEN600
[FR]  [ES]  [IT]
SG 71-2019
Rome, 11 November 2019
To the Superiors of Provinces, Vice-Provinces and General Delegations
Dear brothers,
Last week, we have had our Ordinary General Council meeting.  During those days of our meeting, we have prayed, in a particular way, in our chapel at the General House, for all the confreres and for each entity.

Speaking about entities, as you all know, to facilitate the mission of the General Administration of accompanying Montfortian entities present in different countries, we have shared the responsibility of every continent to each General Councilor and also to me.
I had entrusted the task of accompanying Latin America and the Caribbean to Fr. Wismick JEAN-CHARLES, Vicar General. I, myself, on the other hand, had taken the responsibility for North America.

After having heard several requests, in the meeting of the General Council, we have understood that it would be better not to divide a continent, but rather to search the integration of its entities in the best way possible.  Therefore, Fr. Wismick will accompany this Continent of America (North America, Latin America and the Caribbean) to help achieve this goal.

For this reason, from now on, we want to talk about America in the singular. This new distribution of assignments will allow me to be more available for all continents and work better in the general coordination of our presence in the different countries.
I thank Fr. Wismick for having accepted this task and ask the confreres present in America to help him carry out this mission effectively.

With lots of love and prayers for you all.

Fr. Luiz Augusto STEFANI, S.M.M.
Superior General

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