First Religious Profession of Brother Luis Arturo Costa Escobar

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First Religious Profession of Brother Luis Arturo Costa Escobar

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Giovanni BIGONI, SMM in Peru-Brazil · Friday 26 Apr 2024 ·  2:15
Tags: NUPBZ1148
[FR]  [ES]

LIMA, Peru - On April 8, the Solemnity of the Annunciation, the day after Divine Mercy Sunday, the Peru-Brazil General Delegation had the joy of celebrating the first religious profession of Brother Luis Arturo Costa ESCOBAR.
The ceremony was presided over by Father José Ángel JULCAHUANCA, SMM, Superior Delegate of Peru-Brazil, in the parish of the Visitation of Our Lady, accompanied by the priests, the junior brothers of Montfort, their relatives, and many people who had known Brother Luis Arturo for many years.
It is good to remember that Brother Luis Arturo is already 70 years old, and that is why he was a special case to carry out his novitiate in Lima. Prior to his experience of formation in the Montfort missionaries, Brother Luis Arturo studied philosophy at the Catholic University of Peru. At the age of 30, he lived a process of conversion that marked his life, and that for him was the intercession of the Virgin Mary.
From that life-changing experience, he began his participation in the Legion of Mary. He was then accompanied by Father Luciano CICIARELLI, SMM and Father Roger DUVAL, SMM. From then on, he felt the desire for the consecrated life, but Father Roger took Bro. Luis with him to the Foyer de Charité that was being born in Peru, and so, he lived there for 36 years, until the Foyer community was closed in Peru. From then on, he thought of integrating the Montfortian community of Peru.
This is justified by the fact that in addition to the spirit of prayer accompanied by Father Roger, the Foyer de Charité has always cultivated the two dimensions: apostolic and closeness to the poor, which was once a source of criticism from the members of the community.
In these last years that he participated in the life of the Montfortian communities as a pre-novice and novice, the delegation was able to recognize his apostolic sensitivity, the community dimension, the attitude of service, as well as the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary who always accompanies him.
That is why the delegation is grateful to the Lord for this gift of the vocation of Brother Luis Arturo, who is already part of the Montfortian congregation. He is currently living in the apostolic community of the parish of San Andrés de Huaycán.
Fr. Giovanni BIGONI, SMM

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