Pray and Walk Together

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Pray and Walk Together

Montfort News
Published by Mandimby Fanjanirina in Madagascar · Wednesday 20 Apr 2022 ·  2:00
Tags: NUMAD832
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ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar - On Saturday before Palm Sunday, it was the right time that the AMRC of Antsobolo and that of Andraisoro, both based in Antananarivo, had chosen to carry out the pilgrimage as we usually do to mark the Lenten season. Thus, we specifically chose the Sisters of Our Lady of the Cenacle’s convent in Soavimbahoaka. It is a beautiful place, wonderful and above all quiet, thanks to its surroundings immersed in nature full of beauty. We were 25 members at the moment, accompanied by Brother Victor, SMM, head of the AMRC of Antsobolo. This pilgrimage began with a conference given by Deacon Olivier, head of AMRC Andraisoro, obviously preceded by daily prayer (lauds). Then, it was followed by the Eucharistic celebration presided over by Father Clément, SMM and ended with the Stations of the Cross.
It was baptism that Deacon Olivier took as the theme during his sharing and his conference. Moreover, we know well that the spiritual life of our Founding Father, Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort flows directly from the Sacrament of Baptism and he repeats it tirelessly. Therefore, we renew and live our baptismal promises daily to help us progress on the path of conformity to Jesus, the path of holiness. We keep repeating this so that the true meaning of baptism is well anchored in the heart of each member.
In short, the union was perfect. We were able to draw spiritual strength from it together, especially at this strong moment, close to Holy Week.
Good luck then to all the members. May everyone reach and joyfully celebrate the victorious Easter. We also thank everyone responsible for the preparation and for all the services. We are truly grateful especially to the Sisters of Notre Dame du Cénacle for their warm welcome, full of love and benevolence towards the AMRC.
Glory to Jesus in Mary, with Mary and through Mary!

Mandimby Fanjanirina

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