The Blessing of the Parish Church: "Mary, Daughter of Nazareth"
Published by Bro. Emmanuel KWASIA, SMM in Africa Francophone · Tuesday 12 Oct 2021 · 1:45
Tags: NU, AFF, 747
Tags: NU, AFF, 747
GITEGA, Burundi - While the entire Catholic Church was celebrating “Our Lady of the Rosary”, the particular Church of the Archdiocese of Gitega, more precisely the Montfortian Parish “Mary, Daughter of Nazareth” was in great joy to welcome again Bishop Simon NTAMWANA for the blessing of the parish church whose first stone was laid by him last year in August 2020.
Indeed, this event, eagerly awaited, both by the parishioners of Bwoga-Chioggia and by the Catholics in Burundi, took place in an atmosphere of peace and joy, and in a neat and pleasant climate. Although they worked day and night to finish this grandiose work, the parishioners never ceased to show their sense of total commitment and beautiful responsibility during this celebration. Thanks to the excellent hymns provided by one of the parish choirs, each participant in the Eucharist felt himself in the House of God. After Mass there was a small reception in the large hall which was used for the Eucharistic celebrations before the construction and blessing of the new parish church. The new Superior Delegate of the Francophone Africa, Fr. Louis-Guélord ASEME MUKE, SMM took the opportunity to thank all those who helped to accomplish this monumental work, in particular, the Montfort Missionaries working in Burundi, the parishioners of Bwoga-Chioggia and all the benefactors.
Much more! The joy expressed during this seventh day of October 2021 was only a foretaste of that which the parish "Mary, Daughter of Nazareth" will experience in a few days. Indeed, on October 16, the first Montfortian, deacon Elisé KAMBALE MUKOSEFU, SMM will be ordained a priest in Burundi, in this same parish and its new church.
May the Lord continue to bless, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, the Montfortian missions in Burundi and throughout the world.
Bro. Emmanuel KWASIA, SMM