The Visit to Madagascar

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The Visit to Madagascar

Montfort News
Published by Arnold SUHARDI, SMM in Madagascar · Tuesday 04 Sep 2018 ·  1:15
Tags: NUMAD430
[FR]  [ES]

MADAGASCAR - After visiting the Democratic Republic of Congo (late May) and Malawi (early July), the last destination of my visit was Madagascar. I was there from August 1st to 18th, 2018.

The program of my visit has been divided into four main activities: 1) attend a retreat in the Vice-Province which was held in the community of Foyer de Charité, Antsirabe, 2) participate in the annual assembly of the entity, which took place in the same community, 3) visit almost all communities except Mananjary and Morondava (because of the distance and the time was too tight) and 4) meet lay associates.

The entity is enthusiastically interested in the deepening and dissemination of Montfortian spirituality, the mission work in rural areas and the quality of initial formation.

At the annual meeting, the entity decided to pay special attention to the third challenge of the General Chapter, challenges related to "the creation of a culture of continuing formation". These will be explored both in each community and in person, to discover ways to live it.

During all these visits, I was accompanied by the superior of this vice-province, Fr. Bruno KIKY RANDRIANASOLO. Thank you for everything.



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