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“The Montfortian Way for the 21st Century”

BANDUNG, Indonesia – The members of three Montfortian Congregations and their respective Associates (Daughters of Wisdom and Friends of Wisdom, Montfort Missionaries and Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts (AMQAH), Brothers of Saint Gabriel and Montfortian Gabrielite Associates) in Southeast Asia and Oceania feel the need to meet regularly to get to know each other, share and collaborate in deepening and spreading the charism and spirituality of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort through concrete initiatives...
Dolaa DHANUSH | 02 Aug 2024

“Apostles of peace with Mary in the latter times”

SAN GIOVANNI ROTONDO, Italy - From April 5 to 7, 2024, the Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts, Regional Center of Trinitapoli, Italy, organized its 15th edition of the Montfortian Marian Conference in San Giovanni Rotondo, a municipality located in the province of Foggia in the Puglia Region. The city linked to Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina welcomed around two hundred Montfort Associates from different regions of Italy...
Dolaa DHANUSH | 09 Apr 2024

One Heart, Many Faces

ROME - It's a bit surprising that the full name of the Superior General of the Missionaries of the Company of Mary who was just elected on May 9, comes in five words: Yoseph Putra Dwi Darma Watun. But isn't the name of the Founder of this Missionary Society also made up of five words: Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, according to his name found in his Testament and on one of his epitaphs, namely the one that is written in Latin? The similarity in the number of words in these names is coincidental. It's clear. However, a name often contains a meaning. Pay attention...
Dolaa DHANUSH | 15 May 2023


ROME, Italy - On Tuesday, May 9, 2023, when Father Dwi was elected 23rd Superior General of the Company of Mary, St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, the founder of this Congregation, probably awoke from his “sleep” in a state of surprise, and with him, all the members of this Company who have “fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection”. St. Louis-Marie may have searched a Google map for exactly where Indonesia was and tried to pronounce the full name of Father Yoseph Putra Dwi Darma WATUN, SMM who is now his successor in the animation of the Congregation he founded in 1705 in Poitiers...
Dolaa DHANUSH | 11 May 2023

Walking Together - A Shared Missionary Experience

PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea - One of the most intimate opportunities inscribed in the heart of every Montfortian missionary, those among others who work together in PNG, is the authentic sharing of missionary life. This was keenly felt on Friday, December 16, 2022, as part of an Entity Assembly in Port Moresby. Every missionary who works in this country known especially as the homeland of a certain species of "bird of paradise", has had the opportunity to express what he had in his heart filled with simplicity and brotherly love...
Dolaa DHANUSH | 19 Dec 2022

The future belongs to you – Cardinal John Ribat

PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea – On Thursday, December 15, 2022, the Blessing Mass of the “Montfortian House of Prayer” took place in Bomana, Port Moresby, PNG, by Cardinal John RIBAT, MSC, Archbishop of Port Moresby. This community which is a house of formation for the candidates of the General Delegation of PNG of the Montfortian Missionaries is located in the complex of the Catholic Theological Institute (ITC) where these candidates study Philosophy and Theology...
Dolaa DHANUSH | 16 Dec 2022

A Visit to Daru and Kiunga Regions

PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea - Activities for the Canonical Visit of the General Administration of the Montfort Missionaries and the Closing of the Continental Mission Year (CMY) of Asia and Oceania are continuing in Papua New Guinea (PNG). In this second week (7-12 December 2022), the Superiors from Asia and Oceania and the General Administration paid a visit to the Daru-Kiunga Diocese in the Western Province...
Dolaa DHANUSH | 15 Dec 2022
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