Installation of New Novice Master and First Religious Profession

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Installation of New Novice Master and First Religious Profession

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Prem KUMAR, SMM in India · Friday 09 Jun 2023 ·  1:45
Tags: NUIDA1033
[FR]  [ES]

INDIA - “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad” (Ps 118:24). On 30th May 2023, the Sneha Bhavan Novitiate community was very glad and joyful to welcome our newly elected Assistant General, Rev. Fr. Prem KUMAR, SMM to our community. On the same day during our evening prayer, we also had the installation of our new Superior and Novice Master, Rev. Fr. Judis VALAN, SMM by Rev. Fr. Peter MASCARENHAS, SMM, the Provincial Superior. Then, two of our pre-novices, namely Bros. Anthonydas and Bibin entered the novitiate while two of our novices, after completing their fruitful retreat, have made their consecration and received their religious habits.
Moreover, on the feast day of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary on 31st May 2023, two of our young novices, namely Teja and Martino, made their First Religious profession in the Company of Mary. Rev. Fr. Prem KUMAR, SMM, the Assistant General, presided over the Holy Eucharist and received the vows of our brothers. Fr. Peter MASCARENHAS, SMM gave a beautiful homily on consecrated life and its relevance today.
There were quite a good number of fathers and religious sisters along with some of our close friends who witnessed the whole event. After the Mass, we had the felicitation for the newly professed brothers and honourable dignitaries. The new novice master thanked Fr. Michael SAHAYARAJ, SMM who was the novice master for the last two years and then wished and prayed for his new mission. After the program, we had a fellowship meal to explore our joy and friendship.

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