Renewal of Religious Profession of Vows

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Renewal of Religious Profession of Vows

Montfort News
Published by Montfort Communications in Philippines · Friday 18 Aug 2023 ·  1:30
Tags: NUPHL1054

QUEZON CITY, Philippines - On August 1, 2023, at 5:00 PM, a momentous event took place at the SMM Delegation House Chapel as the religious community gathered to celebrate the renewal of vows on the memorial of St. Alphonsus de Liguori. Led by Rev. Fr. Norwyn V. BAYDO, SMM, and accompanied by other Montfortian priests, the ceremony held deep spiritual significance for all in attendance.
The chapel was filled with an atmosphere of reverence as Scholastics Harold Anthony MONTOYA, SMM, Lord Ansel Glenn BONGCAS, SMM, and Christopher MEJIA, SMM renewed their religious vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Their reaffirmation of commitment marked an essential step in their journey of dedication to God and the Montfortian mission.
Present at the occasion were the novices and pre-postulants, who bore witness to this important moment in the lives of their fellow brothers. The presence of benevolent benefactors and benefactresses, along with the families and friends of the Scholastics, added to the support and encouragement felt by the religious community.
After the solemn Mass, a warm and joyous dinner brought all together, fostering a sense of camaraderie and fellowship among those in attendance. The evening's celebration served as a testament to the unity and strength of the SMM community, as they continue to live out their shared mission of service and devotion in the spirit of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort.
Glory to God Alone through Mary!
Montfort Communications - Philippines

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