TANANARIVE, Madagascar - The General Assembly of the Vice-Province of Madagascar was held at the Daughters of Wisdom in Benasandratra Tananarive on Wednesday, November 20 until Wednesday, November 27, 2024. The session was divided into three phases: the first three days were consecrated for spiritual formation with Father Arnold SUHARDI, SMM, followed by a retreat the following day...

ANALAMALOTRA, Madagascar - On September 8, 2024, in the afternoon, with the entire church honoring the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, the Entity of Madagascar had the joy of celebrating a Holy Mass in the community of novitiate at Analamalotra TAMATAVE during which 5 postulants officially entered the novitiate. They are Benoît, Anderson, Basil, Anjara and Hasina...

TAMATAVE, Madagascar - On the occasion of the presence of the general administration, the Vice-Province of Madagascar and the whole Montfortian family jumped with joy on November 05 and 06, 2022...

ANALAMALOTRA, Madagascar - On the occasion of the opening celebration of its 90-year presence in Madagascar, the Entity of Madagascar organized a pilgrimage to Analamalotra Tamatave on September 10-11, 2O22. The faithful from different parishes held by the Montfortians had come to this great meeting to pray together during these two days. Most of the confreres, the great Montfortian family, had also come to honor this first Montfortian Pelé Analamalotra...

MANAKARA, Madagascar - The Father Superior of Madagascar Entity, Fr. Bruno, had taken the opportunity to visit our colleagues working in the South-East of Madagascar (in Mananjary) after the passage of cyclone Batsirai. It should be noted that, by the grace of God, the two confreres on site are doing well (Fr. Jean Baptiste and Fr. Solofo Victor). Father Bruno, on this occasion, visited his family, not far from Mananjary, in Manakara: “It was a great joy to meet again”. Batsirai is a very intense cyclone which caused enormous damage. What is observed first is the absence of roofs on nearly nine out of ten houses. Hard dwellings have seen their sheet metal roofs torn off...