Profession of Temporary and Perpetual Vows followed by Diaconal Ordination
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - If Hope dies, could it be reborn? In Haiti, there are many reasons that tend to make any shred of hope disappear because of the country's situation. However, God, Master of history, never ceases to raise glimmers of hope in the very heart of these human events, so that in the night of this world which fears risk and the definitive, the light of his Kingdom and its Justice. Thus, on September 8, 2023, on the feast of the nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at the parish of Saint Louis King of France in Turgeau (Port-au-Prince), in the Montfortian province of Haiti, 7 young people dared to risk something for God and for humanity by making temporary and perpetual vows. They are: Edner ELIAZAR, Jean Peterson PAUL, Olson MILLIEN, Sandy ETIENNE for the first profession; and the three others for perpetual profession: Ducano PIERRE, Wildy DERVAL and Marc-Kenry JASMIN in the hands of their provincial superior, Father Jean Jacques SAINT-LOUIS, SMM, representative of the superior general of the Company of Mary.
After a time of retreat at the Montfort scholasticate of Haiti that was facilitated by Father Robert Junior REMARAIS, SMM, it is in a context of risk that the aforementioned young people went since the day before to the Brother Mathurin reception house, not far from the said parish, for the ceremony the next day. Despite the gunshots that were heard in the evening, it was with joy and enthusiasm that they woke up to experience the ceremony of their total gift to God, following the chaste, poor and obedient Christ. It was the joy of the entire entity, the provincial and his council, formators, fellow priests and scholastics. It was also the joy of parents, families, friends and guests, who all gathered to pray for them and with them during this celebration, which took place around 9 a.m.
The liturgy in its harmony invited people to pray as the voices of the choristers united with those of the angels to sing the Glory of God, the Blessed Virgin and all the saints of heaven took part through the litany prayer, sang by Father Ekenley, SMM. The message of the facilitator, Fr. Robert Junior REMARAIS, SMM addressed to the professed, invited joy as he said, “An unhappy religious is a dangerous religious”. In great docility to the Spirit, the professed made their vows respectively following the rite of temporary profession and that of perpetual profession. The Provincial Father received them in the name of the Superior General and gave them the proper insignia for each profession. Thus, the novices Edner, Jean Peterson, Olson and Sandy became Montfortian religious with temporary vows and the brothers Ducano, Wildy, Marc-Kenry became Montfortian religious forever. The Mass normally continued in a climate of piety and celebration.
At the end of the ceremony, a friendly drink was offered by the provincial administration to establish fraternity and conviviality. Of course, hope does not die. However, we must always continue to give account of the Hope that is within us. Such was the case of the newly professed perpetually. The desire to commit to the cause of the Gospel being more and more ardent, the following week, on Friday, September 15, 2023, on the feast of Mary under the name of Our Lady of Sorrows, they committed themselves in the order of the diaconate of the Church. Ducano, Wildy, Marc-Kenry and a Spiritan Marc-Donald EDOUARD who joined the Montfortians, became deacons in the Church to serve and never to be served, by the imposition of the hands of Msgr. Max Leroy MESIDOR, metropolitan archbishop from Port-au-Prince to the chapel of the Foyer Charité de Sainte Marie (Canapé-Vert).
An ordination ceremony is always a strong moment in the life of the Church, religious and natural families, ordinands, friends, etc. Certainly, this brings a lot of joy but it opens up the mission of announcing the Good News of salvation. This remains a major challenge that these missionary deacons must meet with the grace of God and the prayer of the Virgin Mary, Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort, Venerable François Marie Libermann and everyone.
To Jesus through Mary!
Bro. Marc Kenry JASMIN, SMM