Celebration of the 69th Canonization Anniversary of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort
Published by Fr. Federick Yumang, SMM in Philippines · Saturday 23 Jul 2016 · 1:15
Tags: NU, PHL, 264
Tags: NU, PHL, 264
MANILA, Philippines – To mark the celebration of the 69th anniversary of the canonization of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, the Montfort Missionaries Philippine Delegation organized a catechism and feeding program in Purok 4 Barangay Kakawate, San Jose del Monte City, Bulacan last July 17, 2016.
The youth leaders in the area together with the SMM Collegians worked together in animating the children with songs, games and dances. Just like a “Mission a la Montfort” the children were also taught basic prayers and some stories on the life of the holy “Apostolic Missionary” which everybody enjoyed. After the catechism the food prepared by the mission partners in the area was served.
The children really enjoyed the afternoon of sharing and laughter, which was visible on their faces. This simple yet meaningful event is another grace-filled experience to all those who came and became part of this humble endeavour. With hearts filled with joy for the goodness of God, the children went home bringing with them the experience of God’s compassion and loving care. They are grateful not only to God but also to all those who in one way or another made this event successful for the glory of GOD ALONE!
-Fr. Federick Yumang, SMM