Commemoration Mass in honour of Bro. Maurizio RUBINI, SMM

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Commemoration Mass in honour of Bro. Maurizio RUBINI, SMM

Montfort News
Published by Montfort Communications in Italy · Monday 15 Apr 2024 ·  2:45
Tags: NUITA1145

CALABRIA, Italy - On 26th March 2024 at 6:30 pm, Bianco international community held a commemoration Holy Mass in honour of Bro. Maurizio RUBINI, SMM at the Marian sanctuary of Madonna delle Grazie in Caraffa, Calabria of Locri-Gerace diocese.
Father Eugenio SALMASO, SMM, the parish priest of St. Agata di Bianco and Caraffa parish who served in Malawi for 40 years, led the Mass. The concelebrants were Fr. Angelo MAFFEIS, SMM (the superior of the community and the parish priest of Tutti I Santi parish), Fr. Pietro LONNI, SMM, (the parish priest of Casignana and Samo), Fr. Oscar SANGWANTI, SMM and Fr. Fortune GONDWE, SMM (members of Bianco community and assistants to the parish priest of Tutti I Santi parish) and Fr. Jailos MPINA, SMM who joined the community for Easter holiday.
During the Mass, Fr. Eugenio invited the concelebrants to reflect on the mission à la Montfortain entrusted to them as they reflected the religious life and witness of Bro. Maurizio for the years he spent in Malawi.
Bro. Maurizio was born on 18th November 1942 in Monticello (Como), Italy. He made his first profession on 15th October 1972 in Via Prenestina, Rome while his perpetual profession was on 19th March 1977 in Via Prenestina community in Rome. From that moment, he was engaged in Montfortian communities of Villa S. Maria (Bergamo) as a doorman and helped in Propaganda activities (1977-79); at the Casa della Madonna (RC) with the same roles (1979-80). However, his skill as a mechanic, and his bus driver's license brought him back to Rome as a driver for scholastics and high school students.
In 1986, Bro. Maurizio departed for the mission in Malawi. First was in Ulongwe and then in Balaka where, with his calm, soft and low voice of pastoral engagement, he won the hearts of many Malawians, especially the poor and the orphans.
Furthermore, Brother Maurizio, together with his sister Teresa and his Montfort media community in Balaka, became an animator of charity groups who are supporting projects of distance – adoption to help the less advantaged children in Balaka community go to school. The challenge of school dropout among children in Malawi remains a pressing issue where over 70% of the population of about 19.1 million people is living below the international poverty line. It is driven by abject poverty, recurrent shocks, poor policies and implementation as well as reliance on weak livelihood strategies.
Brother Maurizio later left permanently for Italy in 2022 for health grounds while his heart and soul was for Malawi. He died on 19th March 2024 in Redona, Italy, a similar date on the solemnity of Saint Joseph, when he made his perpetual profession in the Company of Mary.
May the soul of Bro. Maurizio RUBINI, SMM rest in Eternal Peace. Amen.
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