“It is I. Do not be afraid.”

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“It is I. Do not be afraid.”

Montfort News
Published by Bro. Wilton WOGE in Indonesia · Monday 17 Jun 2024
Tags: NUIDO1164

RUTENG, Indonesia – On May 31, 2024, the day of the Feast of the Visitation, the Indonesian Province of the Montfort Missionaries welcomed six novices who made their first vows, at the Montfortian Novitiate, Ruteng, Indonesia. The day before, these six brothers made their consecration to Jesus through Mary in the Holy Spirit. These two celebrations were presided over by Father Antonius TENSI, SMM, Provincial.
The Eucharistic celebration of the first vows highlighted the theme “It is I. Do not be afraid.” (John 6, 20). It brought together eighteen concelebrant priests and an assembly of around two hundred faithful.
It is interesting to note that the celebration of the Eucharist of the profession and the family reception after the Eucharist were carried out, thanks to the participation of various groups who provided the singing of the choir, the psalms, the decorations, the liturgical dances, simple family reception, etc. The actors involved were: the choir of the basic ecclesial community of Nazareth, parish of Saint Michel, Kumba; the basic ecclesial community of Saint Montfort, of the same parish; members of the Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts and those of Montfort Youth, Ruteng; the Daughters of Wisdom and the Catechist Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, without forgetting the families of the six brothers who made their first vows. Collaboration always strengthens family bonds and joy among us.
After the celebration of the Eucharist, a family reception brought together all those present who expressed their joy for the gift of consecrated life, thanks to various entertainment programs. Congratulations to the six brothers and to the Montfortian Province of Indonesia.
Bro. Wilton WOGE
Montfort Novice

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