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RUTENG, Indonesia - November 19, 2024 – Hello confreres, we are sharing with you our news about the ordination of SMM priests recently. The new priests are Fathers Aran, Ferdi, Candra, Fandi, Alvian, and Embit. The motto they chose is “ABIDE WITH US, LORD” (Luke 24:29). The ordination of our confreres was held at the parish church of St. Michael Kumba. Of course we should thank the parish priest of St. Michael Kumba and the assistant priests, members of the pastoral council and the parish finance council of the Kumba parish, the ordination committee, and everyone involved in making the ordination celebration a success...
PONSA MALANG, Indonesia - Hello Confreres, greetings from our Scholasticate Community, “Ponsa” in Malang. On this occasion we would like to share a story about the Golden Jubilee of the Priesthood from a Missionary who is famous for his friendliness and discipline, Fr. Wilhelmus Johannes Bernardus Peeters, SMM or familiarly called Father Wim....
BANDUNG, Indonesia – The members of three Montfortian Congregations and their respective Associates (Daughters of Wisdom and Friends of Wisdom, Montfort Missionaries and Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts (AMQAH), Brothers of Saint Gabriel and Montfortian Gabrielite Associates) in Southeast Asia and Oceania feel the need to meet regularly to get to know each other, share and collaborate in deepening and spreading the charism and spirituality of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort through concrete initiatives...
FLORES, Indonesia - On July 2-5, 2024, Montfort Youth from various places, namely Labuan Bajo, Ruteng, Poco, and Mbeling, gathered together in the Montfortian Novitiate in Ruteng for an annual camping program. There were 182 participants...
RUTENG, Indonesia – On May 31, 2024, the day of the Feast of the Visitation, the Indonesian Province of the Montfort Missionaries welcomed six novices who made their first vows, at the Montfortian Novitiate, Ruteng, Indonesia. The day before, these six brothers made their consecration to Jesus through Mary in the Holy Spirit. These two celebrations were presided over by Father Antonius TENSI, SMM, Provincial...
SINTANG, Indonesia - On Easter Sunday, Father Jacques MAESSEN, SMM began receiving treatment at Sintang Hospital. He was treated for a stroke. After being treated for a week in Sintang, he was finally referred to Antonius Hospital, Pontianak accompanied by Bro. Nikolaus NARIMO, SMM. In Pontianak, Father Jacques was also accompanied by three Montfortians: Bro. Nikolaus NARIMO, Bro. Lambert, and Bro. Lius...
MALANG, Indonesia - On April 25, 2024, the Montfort Missionaries in Indonesia rejoiced with the ordination to the diaconate of five Montfortians: Gregorius AVI, David RABIM, Marianus NICANDRA CEHA, Fransiskus SAILTUS BEMBID and Ferdinandus NGAMBUT. They received diaconal ordination alongside deacons from other congregations and several dioceses. The number of ordained deacons was twenty-six. The Eucharistic celebration of ordination was presided over by Mgr. Henricus Pidyarto GUNAWAN, O.Carm, Bishop of Malang Diocese and was held at the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel...
MALANG, Indonesia – Below we publish further information about the Provincial Chapter of the Montfort Missionaries in Indonesia which took place on 18-23 February 2023. The article tells what happened on the fourth to sixth day which was the last day of the chapter...
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