Montfortian family celebrates Holy Week in Prison

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Montfortian family celebrates Holy Week in Prison

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Heredi SUHARTONO, SMM in Indonesia · Tuesday 18 Apr 2023 ·  2:00
Tags: NUIDO996

RUTENG, Indonesia – Some Daughters of Wisdom and Montfort Fathers who are in charge in Montfortian Novitiate in Flores celebrated the Holy Week together with prisoners. The place is so close to Montfortian Novitiate but a little bit far from the community of Daughters of Wisdom.

Although it was raining the sisters remained faithful to participate during the Holy Week in prison.  It was so nice to see the prisoners, the security guards, supporting staff and those who were released from prison taking part in the liturgy during the Holy Week. All liturgical activities including choir were organized by them and indeed, it was well done.

What amazed us was not the way they performed such as choir, but the way they treated us: they gave us a lot of offerings such as banana, bread, cake, hosts, grapes, etc. Indeed, they gave out of their poverty and love for the Church.

Furthermore, the celebration especially Easter Vigil then became a memorable moment for us due to Mr. Hery who is a muslim and leader of the prison offered a word of welcome. Before the end of the Mass, he went in front to congratulate all Christians who were there by saying “Happy Easter. May the risen Lord bless all prisoners and staffs.” He added “May Easter celebration bring joy and happiness to your families and friends.” He invited all the prisoners and staffs to work together for the successful of their institution which is called in Bahasa “Lapas” (a place for those who are in prison). For sure, Mr. Hery didn’t celebrate Easter, but he was there to share his happiness with the Christians who were celebrating Easter. In that moment, we could feel that the risen Lord is present to us all with different backgrounds. Moreover, Mr. Hery showed us an important lesson, namely: when people share happiness to each other, they will experience heaven even in prison.

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