Indonesian Provincial Chapter: Election of Provincial and his Council

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Indonesian Provincial Chapter: Election of Provincial and his Council

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Melki, SMM, Fr. Rafael, SMM, and Fr. Wawan, SMM in Indonesia · Wednesday 06 Mar 2024
Tags: NUIDO1137
[FR]  [ID]

MALANG, Indonesia – Below we publish further information about the Provincial Chapter of the Montfort Missionaries in Indonesia which took place on 18-23 February 2023. The article tells what happened on the fourth to sixth day which was the last day of the chapter.
Fourth day (February 21): reading reality, formulating needs, drawing the future
Reading reality. Facilitated by Father Ignasius BUDIONO, O.Carm, the capitulants were invited to come together to see the current reality of the Indonesian Province. The capitulants were asked to make an inventory of all existing facts: what good things have developed, what things needed attention, what things needed to be added.
Formulating needs. After that, the capitulants formulated themes that needed attention and proposed concrete steps that should be taken. Some of the themes of concern included Montfortian identity, spirituality, formation, evangelization à la Montfort, ecological issues and the integrity of creation, safeguarding, planning culture, property management, leadership.
Drawing the future. The capitulants presented the results of their discussions. The themes above were explored in three steps: decision, recommendation and memorandum.
Fifth day (February 22): setting priority levels
Today, the capitulants again sorted and classified existing themes based on their importance and urgency following the categories: decisions, recommendations and memorandum.
Then, the team of revision of Indonesian Provincial Statutes presented the results of their work for the capitulants to respond to.
Afterwards, the superior general asked the capitulants to enter into silence to pray in order to elect the provincial superior and his council.
Sixth day (February 23): election of provincial and his council
The day began with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. After breakfast, all the capitulants gathered in the chapter room. The superior general reminded again of the criteria for determining a provincial and his Council.
After that, the facilitator, Father Ignasius BUDIONO, OCarm read the process of the election of a provincial based on the Statutes of the Indonesian Province. Then, everyone sang the hymn “Come, Holy Spirit”, which made the atmosphere of this election very sacred.
After that, the scrutators circulated the ballot papers that had been prepared by the secretariat. Through this election process, our new provincial was elected, namely Father Antonius TENSI, SMM. After that, the facilitator continued by reading the process for selecting provincial council members based on the Statutes of the Indonesian Province. After going through an election process which took quite a long time, four members of the provincial council were elected, namely Father Kasimirus JUMAT, SMM, Father Heredi SUHARTONO, SMM, Father Fidelis BOLO WOTAN, SMM and Father Melkior JELALU, SMM.
After that, there was a signing of the chapter documents followed by an evaluation. The chapter members were satisfied with the overall process of this chapter: the place, participation, hospitality and dynamics of the chapter.
In the afternoon, a closing Mass for the chapter was held led by the Bishop of Malang, Mgr. Henricus PIDYARTO GUNAWAN, OCarm. This solemn Mass was prepared by the confreres of Montfort Seminary. After the reading of the Gospel, an installation ceremony for the provincial and his council was held. Everything closed with a family dinner and entertainment. Have a good mission, little flock of Montfort Missionaries in Indonesia!
Fr. Melki, SMM, Fr. Rafael, SMM, and Fr. Wawan, SMM

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