Over 50 Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel capitulants visit SMM Generalat
ROME - On 13th April 2024, at 3:45pm, 51 capitulants of the General Chapter of the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel visited the community of the General house of the Montfort Missionaries in Monte Mario, Rome. They were accompanied by some members of the General house of the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel and were warmly welcomed by Fr. Yoseph Putra Dwi Darma WATUN, SMM, the Superior General and his council.
The introductions and refreshments were done in the garden near the Grotto surrounded by trees, flowers, and green grass. The spring environment, the background music and the descending sun added a brotherly warm ambience for the informal conversation and relaxation. Thereafter, Fr. Joji KALARICKAL, SMM, the superior of the community shared with the brothers about the history of the General house of the Montfort Missionaries. Bro. Michel MENDI, SG from the Province of Senegal was the main interpreter for the brothers with French language background.
Later, the brothers were divided into two groups according to language which is English or French as they visited the chapel and the archives. Fr. Marco PASINATO, SMM led the French group while Fr. Arnold SUHARDI, SMM led the English group.
In an interview with the Montfort Communications, Bro. Jimmy KALAPURAYIL, SG, the Provincial superior of the Province of East Africa in Tanzania, said he was thrilled with the warm welcome and the rich Montfortian heritage shared to him during the visit.
“I am very happy to get a warm welcome as brothers of the same family coming together. It is also like visiting my family, going to our roots, seeing once again the manuscript of the True Devotion, visiting the chapel where the relics of St. Monfort and Blessed Marie-Louise Trichet are etc. The time we spent together was very enriching and enjoyable and I really thank you all.” He said with a smiling face.
Moreover, Father General gave copies of the original manuscript of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort’s “True Devotion to Mary” to all the Provincials.
The 33rd General Chapter of the Montfort Brothers of Saint Gabriel was officially opened on Wednesday, April 03, 2024, by Bishop Gianrico RUZZA, titular bishop of the diocese of Civitavecchia-Tarquinia and Porto-Santa Rufina, Italy. The 51 capitulants come from 11 different countries in Africa, Asia, America, and Europe. The General Chapter which is currently taking place in their General house will officially conclude on May 01, 2024.
Montfort Communications