Forever We Will Sing the Goodness of the Lord!

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Forever We Will Sing the Goodness of the Lord!

Montfort News
Published by Bro. Raffy George Garcia (Postulant) in Philippines · Sunday 06 Dec 2015 ·  2:45
Tags: NUPHL248

QUEZON CITY, Philippines - Last November 21, 2015 , feast of the presentation of Mary, Bro. Federick B. Yumang, SMM, and Bro. Gener C. Pito, SMM, made their perpetual profession as permanent members of the Congregation of the Company of Mary during the celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided over by Fr. Paul Arnel L. Lucero, SMM, Delegation Superior. Before the start of the Rite of Perpetual Profession, the Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin Mary was prayed inside the chapel of the Montfort Center of Spirituality in South Triangle, Quezon City. The Rite officially started at 10 am with the procession while the choir sung the entrance hymn. The First Reading, taken from the Book of Samuel, tells the story on how Samuel was called by God in spite of his uncertainties (1 Sam 3:2-10). Rev. Fr. Santiago Casing, SMM and Bro. Armel Collantes, SMM sung the Psalm. The choir was composed of the scholastics, postulants, and collegians. The novices were the servers during the celebration. In the Second Reading, St Paul tells the Corinthians in his first letter that God purposely chose what the world considers weak in order to shame the powerful (1 Cor. 1:22-31). Rev. Arnel Pagaduan, SMM, read the Gospel which is about Jesus’ conversation with the rich young man (Mt. 19:16-26). Rev. Fr. Benjie A. Notarte, SMM presented the Candidates for Perpetual Profession to the presider.
After the presentation, Rev. Fr. Lucero gave the homily wherein he left a mnemonic to reflect upon for the candidates and the people who attended the ceremony. He gave the mnemonic PRESENT which stands for Personal Response to the Encounter with Sagesse (Wisdom) that is Expiration-Free, Non-negotiable and Totally Selfless. Addressing the crowd, the presider meditated upon the three evangelical counsels: poverty, chastity, and obedience.
“Poverty is expression of freedom from worldly possessions,” said Rev. Fr. Lucero.
“Chastity,” he said, “is an expression of freedom from unhealthy relationship.”
“Obedience is freedom from self-centered ambitions.”
Rev. Fr. Lucero concluded his homily with the story of the bamboo. In order to make the king happy, the bamboo is cut off so it could be useful for others.
In this solemn ceremony, the intercession of the Saints were invoked as the Litany of the Saints was sung by Rev. Fr. Benjie A. Notarte, SMM and the choir. Bro. Fed and Bro. Gener were also given the Crucifix and the Statue of Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom as symbols of profession to remind them of God’s mystery.  The final part of the Rite of Profession was the welcoming of the newly professed Brothers by the professed members of the Company of Mary.
After the Rite of Perpetual Profession, a sumptuous meal was served outside the chapel. Intermission numbers were performed by the different communities of the Montfortian Family to show their love and support to the newly perpetually professed Brothers.

-Bro. Raffy George Garcia (Postulant)


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