Presbyterate Ordination of Fr. Arnel V. Pagaduan, SMM and Diaconate Ordination of Rev. Federick B. Yumang, SMM and Rev. Gener C. Pito, SMM

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Presbyterate Ordination of Fr. Arnel V. Pagaduan, SMM and Diaconate Ordination of Rev. Federick B. Yumang, SMM and Rev. Gener C. Pito, SMM

Montfort News
Published by Bro. Armel Collantes, SMM Scholastic in Philippines · Monday 14 Dec 2015 ·  1:45
Tags: NUPHL250

MAKATI CITY, Philippines – The Montfortian Family celebrated the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on December 8, 2015 with the Presbyterate and Diaconate Ordinations held at Santa Teresita Parish, West Rembo, Makati City. One priest and two deacons have become the newest addition to the SMM Philippine Delegation. The newly ordained priest is Rev. Fr. Arnel V. Pagaduan, SMM from Cavite and the newly ordained deacons are Rev. Federick B. Yumang, SMM from Macabebe, Pampanga and Rev. Gener C. Pito, SMM from Burgos, La Union.
Before the celebration started, the Montfortians gathered to pray the Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary. At exactly 9:00 in the morning, the celebration started. It was presided by Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas, DD of the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan together with SMM Priests headed by Rev. Fr. Paul Arnel L. Lucero and his council along with some guest priests as concelebrants, Rev. Romeo and Rev. Fr. Rene S. Bustillo, SMM as the Master of Ceremony.  
It was indeed a momentous moment for the Fr. Arnel, Rev. Federick and Rev. Gener for it was graced by the presence of their families, relatives and friends from the different parts of the country and even abroad. Archbishop Socrates Villegas reminded them that their role is valuable being the messengers, watchmen and stewards of the Lord. He motivated the people to take care of their priests and to pray for them.
Before the celebration ended, the newly ordained priest and deacons gave their word of gratitude to the Lord and to all the people who have supported them in their journey. A splendid and joyful meal was served at the covered court. Everyone was happy, thanking the Lord for the gift of priest and deacons in the Church.

-Armel Collantes, SMM


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