First Profession in Madagascar

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First Profession in Madagascar

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Jean Claude RAMANDRAIVONONA, SMM in Madagascar · Thursday 09 Feb 2023 ·  2:45
Tags: NUMAD967

ANALAMALOTRA, Madagascar - “Be reconciled to God! (2Co 5:20). We celebrated the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, and the day of Consecrated Life, on February 2. It was an opportunity for us to celebrate the first Profession of RASOLONJATOVO Nirina Lucien.
During the Presentation in the Temple, it was Mary and Joseph who presented Jesus. But little by little, growing up, it was Jesus Himself who manifested his Wisdom. Lucian himself, like Jesus, formed during 6 years, becomes aware of his true reconciliation with God, as St Paul invites us in his letter to the Corinthians (2 Co 5:20). He offered himself to consecrate his life in the Company of Mary. Here is his testimony:
“My greetings to you all. First of all, I thank God for completing my formation in the novitiate, especially the first profession in our congregation. I am therefore really happy to be really among the religious, because I have wanted to be one for a long time. Despite the difficulties I encountered, I see that Providence was always there to guide me, as well as the support of our good Mother, the Virgin Mary. I also thank our master for his good accompaniment, wishing him to accomplish his mission well until the end, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Then, I chose as motto the message of St Paul Apostle to the Corinthians who says: " Be reconciled to God! " (2 Co 5:20).
This passage urges me to live the Christian life in a deeper way, since, for me, being reconciled with God implies respect for his commandments, good relationship with my neighbors, fidelity to baptismal promises and conversion. So, I believe that this motto can help me to deepen my faith. To conclude, I hope that God grants blessings to our congregation through the intersession of the Blessed Virgin so that it may always live. And I encourage the two new novices to have the joy of receiving their formation well so as to finish the novitiate well. THANKS”.
So, these are marvelous things when the person lives the freedom that Montfort urges us to live in PM n°7-12. In religious life, we are exhorted to assimilate little by little the autonomy of the person: that is to say, to live fully our freedom which is not licentiousness or doing what we do, but wanting what that we do. A person becomes aware of his responsibility; a coherent person in all that she does: conforming to his choice of Montfortian religious life, living his spirituality and his charism throughout his life.
The presence of Mary, the first disciple, is indispensable to us. The renewal of the baptismal vows is necessary for continuation with Montfort, a poor man who loved the poor.
Greetings to all and good continuation in our missions!

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