Assembly of the Vice-Province of Madagascar
Published by Père Bruno RANDRIANASOLO Kiky SMM in Madagascar · Saturday 21 Jan 2023
Tags: NU, MAD, 957
Tags: NU, MAD, 957
ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar - On January 10, 2023, the assembly of the Vice-Province of Madagascar took place in Benasandratra Antananarivo. The day was divided into two meetings: morning and afternoon. We have focused on reading the numbers of the Constitution and those relating to the functions of government of the Vice-Province: numbers 196-197-198-203-205-215.
In his eloquence, Father Bruno, superior of the Vice-Province evoked the important points, namely the clarification of the role of the superior of the Vice-province: to animate and direct the entity, to help the confreres to flourish religiously, to be link between the entity and the general administration. The importance of this reminder is to clarify the administrative mission of the confreres in the council and the other confreres in their respective tasks. After this explanation, the floor was given to the colleagues to react and discuss this matter. Hence the simplicity of life; colleagues close to the life and reality of people express our charism and the values of our Malagasy culture. The situation of our country (precariousness or poverty) helps us to live deeply the Montfortian being wanted by Fr. de Montfort (choose poverty). The characteristic features of Malagasy cultural values such as respect for elders, solidarity and fraternal mutual aid, reciprocal compassion (between colleagues and their families) were highlighted.
In addition, we have taken up challenges, including the sense of listening, personal and continuous conversion, mutual support in the community. And in each stage of training, monthly support for young people and knowledge of the volume II ration are required. Finally, we have communicated the dates marking the year 2022.
Good mission to all of us
To Jesus Through Mary