PONTCHATEAU, France - On November 28, 2024, the “Montfortian Heritage in France” Committee appointed by the Superior General (cf. Sec. Gen. 26-2024) met at the Calvary of Pontchâteau to reflect on the future of the Montfortian mission in France. The participants worked on a strategy aligned with the orientations of the SMM General Chapter 2023 and the current needs of the Montfortian Places in France...

BRITTANY, France - A statue of Montfort was recently installed in the Vallée des Saints Bretons. The Valley of Saints is a large hill in Carnoët, in the heart of Brittany, where, inspired by Easter Island, a site has been created where statues of saints, sculpted by artists from around the world, have been installed. The initiators of paying homage to the saints of Brittany and the popular devotion which accompanies them, decided to raise 1000 monumental statues, between 3 and 4 meters high, in blocks of Breton granite in a project started a few years ago and which will continue in the years to come...

LORETO, Italy - From September 15 to 17, the meeting that was organized by the Italian Province and directed by Fr. Giuseppe DAMINELLI, SMM, provincial councilor in charge of the spirituality commission, resumed in Loreto after the suspension due to the pandemic. The recipients are all those who have chosen Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort as their spiritual master and for those who wish to know him or embark on the path of holiness traced by him...

LORETO, Italy - From September 10 to 14, the spiritual retreat for the confreres of the Italian Province took place in Loreto, in the house which was the Montfortian scholasticate for thirty years and presently belongs to the Salesians. The retreat, led by Father Giovanni GIOVE, priest of the diocese of Altamura (Bari), saw the participation of around twenty confreres, including scholastics, aspirants from Croatia and some members of the General Curia...

ROME – “Father Olivier Maire (…) welcomed a brother by forgiving his past and embracing him without making calculations, desiring only to give him love, with maternal tenderness. We really need to learn to love like this, to grow in this love". Following this mention of Fr. Oliver MAIRE, SMM made by Pope Francis during the audience of May 20, the “Osservatore Romano” asked Fr. Marco PASINATO, SMM, for the following testimony about our confrere, publishing it under the title "The welcoming smile of Olivier Maire, a missionary until the end"...

PONCHÂTEAU, France – Monday, May 1, 2023 has been chosen by the Ecclesiastical Province of Western France as a day of prayer for vocations. The choice of the place of the nine bishops for this historical event fell on the Calvary of Pontchâteau. In a superb day of grace, 3,500 faithful have arrived since in the morning with their bishops and priests. In the Hall of the Temple, the dioceses had set up their stands as well as the Montfortian Family, to present the variety and the beauty of the different vocations...

MARIENHEIDE, Germany – On April 28, the General Delegation of Germany and the Parish of Marienheide celebrated two anniversaries: the 350th anniversary of the birth of Saint Louis-Marie and the 60th anniversary of the Church dedicated to Montfort...

LOURDES, France - From April 16 to 22, 2023 the Montfortian Hospitality of France celebrated its 74th Pilgrimage to Lourdes. This year's theme was inspired by the instruction of the Virgin Mary to the priests of the Parish of Lourdes through the voice of Bernadette: "Let us build a chapel here".