60th Anniversary of the Church of Marienheide dedicated to Montfort
MARIENHEIDE, Germany – On April 28, the General Delegation of Germany and the Parish of Marienheide celebrated two anniversaries: the 350th anniversary of the birth of Saint Louis-Marie and the 60th anniversary of the Church dedicated to Montfort.
The day, which began with Lauds, culminated at 6:00 p.m. with the solemn celebration of the Eucharist of thanksgiving with the participation of Fr. Gerd-Willi BERGERS, SMM, Delegate Superior, the confreres and about 130 people. After which a convivial time with the people of the parish.
The Delegation has published a brochure with a short biography of Father de Montfort, information on the Church of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort in Marienheide and a description of the Montfortian mission in Germany.
Here are some dates that mark the origin and history of this Church:
- 1954, November 17: foundation of the association for the construction of the church of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort in Marienheide.
- 1956, December 2: architect B. ROTTERDAM receives the assignment to design the new church.
- 1961, August 3: ceremony for the start of work.
- 1962, July 1: laying of the first stone of the Church.
- 1963, December 15: Auxiliary Bishop of Cologne August FROTZ consecrates the Church.
- 2023, April 25: Written message by the Superior General for the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the consecration of the Church.
- 2023, April 28: celebration of the anniversary of the Church associated with the 350th anniversary of the birth of Saint Louis-Marie.
A good quality video on Father de Montfort presented after Mass was greatly appreciated by the audience. In the wake of the new evangelization, there is also the publication in a parish magazine, of the writings of Father de Montfort with small updating comments.
Feedback from these initiatives is very encouraging. Everyone is happy to know more about Father de Montfort.