On 22 August 2022, Father Luiz Augusto STEFANI, SMM, Superior General, with the consent of his Council, has appointed Father Jesu Doss RAYAPPAN, SMM as Councillor of the General Delegation of Peru-Brazil replacing Father Carlos LANGUASCO, SMM...

Father David GIAPUNDA, SMM, Congolese, after completing his specialization in Spiritual Theology, training branch at the Pontifical University of Gregorian (PUG) in Rome, returned to his Entity of origin. We interviewed him about his studies and his current mission as a formator.

On 12 March 2022, Father Luiz Augusto STEFANI, SMM, Superior General, with the consent of his Council, named Father Sherwin Ybañez NUÑEZ, SMM as Superior and Formator of the Scholasticate of New Manila, Philippines...

On 24 February 2022, Father Luiz Augusto Stefani, Superior General, with the consent of his Council, has appointed Father Doris Sullivano TOMBAOSA as Superior of the Vice-Province of Canada for a mandate of three years...

On 19 February 2022, Father Luiz Augusto Stefani, Superior General, with the consent of his Council, has reappointed Father Thomas POTH as Superior of the Vice-Province of United States for a mandate of three years...

The Provincial Chapter of France, held on 10 February 2022 in Saint Laurent sur Sèvre, in the presence of Father Luiz Augusto STEFANI, Superior General, has elected Father Paulin RAMANANDRAIBE as Superior of the Province of France for a mandate of six years...

ROME, Italy- Saturday, 27th November 2021, on the eve of the First Sunday of Advent, the Generalate community in Rome launched the Continental Mission Year 2022 Asia and Oceania...

On 12 November 2021, Father Luiz Augusto STEFANI, Superior General, with the consent of his Council, has appointed Father Norwyn Villaruz BAYDO as Superior of the General Delegation of the Philippines for a second mandate of three years...