Conference on Marquis de Magnanne

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Conference on Marquis de Magnanne

Montfort News
Published by Lise Lamy in Canada · Tuesday 28 Jun 2022
Tags: NUCAN868
[FR]  [ES]

CANADA - On Saturday, May 21, 2022, the Sanctuary of Mary Queen of Hearts lay associates’ monthly meeting took place, and to which the Ottawa associates joined for the first time.

On this occasion, Mr. Jean Plamondon, friend of Wisdom, dressed in a period costume, came to introduce us, with passion, to Marquis de Magnanne, a friend and a disciple of Father de Montfort.

He indicated the pivotal stages of his life and his role as a lay person with Father de Montfort.
Mr. Plamondon mentioned Marquis de Magnanne’s many qualities: his piety, great generosity towards the poor, humility, magnanimity, good humor and his sense of justice and truth.
As he could not exercise the ministry of the Word being a lay, he began to write small devotional booklets. His main work was The True Soul Greatness.
We greatly appreciated this dynamic presentation, with the visual support highlighting the edifying journey of this committed lay person. This conference was interspersed with a moment of discussion in small groups, led by the wife of Mr. Plamondon. At the end of the conference, Jean answered the partners’ questions. What an inspiring testimony of life for us, lay Montfortian associates, this Marquis de Magnanne offers us!
Lise Lamy

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