Installation of Acolytes and Feast of Mary's Birth

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Installation of Acolytes and Feast of Mary's Birth

Montfort News
Published by Montfort Communications in Philippines · Tuesday 12 Sep 2023 ·  1:45
Tags: NUPHL1063

QUEZON CITY, Philippines - In a momentous occasion, the SMM Philippines became the venue for dual spiritual celebrations: the installation to the Minor Order of Acolytate and the Feast of the Birth of the Virgin Mary. The event commenced at 6:15 AM, presided over by Rev. Fr. Norwyn V. BAYDO, SMM, and concelebrated by Rev. Fr. Sherwin NUÑEZ, SMM.
Installed to the ministry of Acolyte were scholastics Christopher S. MEJIA, SMM, and Harold Anthony T. MONTOYA, SMM. As acolytes, they assume a critical role, marking a deepened commitment to liturgical duties and serving as a bridge between laity and priesthood. The sacred installation serves as a formal acknowledgment of their commitment to liturgical responsibilities, including assisting in Eucharistic celebrations and sacramental rites. Their installation was witnessed by SMM confreres from the Pre-Postulancy, Novitiate, and Scholasticate communities.
Concurrently, the Feast of Mary's Birth provided an occasion for communal introspection. Mary's virtues of humility and obedience serve as a guide for those newly installed in religious service, emphasizing the harmonious relationship between faith and dedicated action. Hence, St. Louis de Montfort would say, “It is through the Blessed Virgin Mary that Jesus Christ came into the world, and it is also through her that he will reign in the world.” It is a great reminder and inspiration to the newly installed acolytes to imitate the virtues of Mary in doing the ministry in order to bring forth Jesus Christ in the least, the lost, and the last.
The dual celebrations serve as a compelling reminder of the Christian calling to a life rooted in faith, service, and devotion. The event concluded with a sumptuous breakfast, symbolizing communal unity and the joy derived from fulfilling spiritual commitments.

Glory to Jesus in Mary,
Glory to Mary in Jesus,
Glory to God Alone!

Montfort Communications - Philippines

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