MALAWI: Perpetual Profession

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MALAWI: Perpetual Profession

Montfort News
Published by Deacon Jailos A. Mpina.smm in Africa Anglophone · Saturday 04 Jan 2014 ·  1:45
Tags: NUAFA122

It was emotional, motivational and let alone inspiring when two Brothers, namely David Niwagaba and Jailos Augustine Mpina, made their final commitment as religious belonging to the Company of Mary. It was on 6th December 2013 in Montfort Media chapel that the auspicious event of Perpetual Profession of the two Montfortians took place. Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Msusa, archbishop designate of Blantyre presided over the Holy Mass. They made their profession before their Superior Delegate, Rev. Fr. Louis Nkukumila, smm, representing the Superior General. In his homily Fr. Louis thanked God for the gift of two brothers in the congregation and advised them to be imitators of Jesus Christ. "David and Jailos, you are gifts to the Company of Mary. Let Christ be always your model. He will never disappoint you." He encouraged the young men. In an atmosphere of great simplicity, sobriety and devotion, and with the presence of confreres, concelebrating priests from other religious Congregations, religious sisters in particular the Daughters of Wisdom, relations and friends both from Malawi and Uganda, witnessed the profession. After the mass around 7:30 pm, the whole congregation was invited for a dinner at the Montfort Fathers dining room.
David Niwagaba was born on 27th March, 1983 at Nyakatunga village, Kyamwiru catholic parish, Rubirizi district-Uganda. He is the fourth born in a family of 11 children, 7 boys and 4 girls who were born in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Venansio Tibihika. Jailos Augustine Mpina was born on 27th March, 1983 at Putheke village, Machinga district, Malawi. He is the fourth born in the family of five children (all male) of Mr. Solomon Mpina and Cecelia Walawala.
May Our Lady accompany and make them in everything so committed disciples, imitators and friends of Jesus, Eternal and Incarnate Wisdom.

-Deacon Jailos A. Mpina.smm



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