Montfort Lay Associates in Kenya go for a Pilgrimage

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Montfort Lay Associates in Kenya go for a Pilgrimage

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Horrice Mkandawire, SMM in Africa Anglophone · Tuesday 22 Oct 2019 ·  2:15
Tags: NUAFA587

NAIROBI, Kenya - We may do lots of charity work, join different groups and help the church in various areas, but if our personal spiritual renewal is left unattended, we certainly lack the core of our Christian calling. Spiritual growth and sustenance make us rebound by going to the core so as to be in deep union with Christ.
Realising this, Montfort lay associates in Nairobi organised a pilgrimage to Komarock shrine in Machakos in order to quench their spiritual thirst. It is a shrine dedicated to our Lady of Sorrows as the shrine image shows Mary carrying Jesus in her arms in deep grief following the death of her Son. The journey began at 8:00 AM on Saturday, 19th of October as Fr. Jacob, SMM directed the members in Machakos where they unfolded and disposed their hearts to prayer.
As Montfortians, the call to live with Jesus through Mary was realised through the praying of the twenty decades of the rosary on the way to the shrine, the little crown of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the litany of Montfort and of our Lady as well as the singing of the Ave Maris Stella. Upon arrival, the group shared with Jesus’ suffering as they journey with Him in the 15 stations of the Way of the Cross; something that Father de Montfort recommends in his letter to the friends of the cross - to walk with Jesus in suffering. This was followed by confessions and then the Eucharistic celebration.
In his homily, Father Jacob recommended the act shown by the lay associates by going for a pilgrimage to renew their spiritual life. He then encouraged them to persevere in their faith through simple actions which not only show their consecration renewal, but also nourish their love and deep commitment to be united with Mary, with the church and supremely with Jesus who is the sole caller for them to live their Christian vocation.
They came back at 6:00 PM, with members filled with the enthusiasm of how good Montfortian spirituality is and even affirmed of spreading this worthy calling to those who do not yet know about it.
Fr. Horrice Mkandawire, SMM
Montfort Lay Associates in Charge

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