Montfort Lay Associates in Malawi consecrate to Jesus through Mary
Published by Fr. Bernard MAGANGA, SMM in Africa Anglophone · Wednesday 13 Dec 2023 · 1:45
Tags: NU, AFA, 1108
Tags: NU, AFA, 1108
ZOMBA, Malawi - On 8th December 2023, St. Joseph the Worker, Sitima Parish was on fire - the celebration of the Solemnity of Immaculate Conception of Mary was accompanied by the consecration to Jesus through Mary of 34 people from Sitima Parish. This has come after learning about Montfort and Montfortian Spirituality for over a year.
The Mass was presided by Fr. Anthony CHILOLO, SMM, assisted by other Montfortians, namely Fr. Owen O’DONNELL, SMM, Fr. Bernard MAGANGA, SMM and Deacon Amos MAKINA, SMM. We were also privileged to have the sisters from the Daughters of Wisdom, the Montfort Lay Associates from St. Louis, Balaka Parish, and the delighted laity from Sitima Parish.
In his homily, Fr. Anthony emphasized on our call to be immaculate before God just as Mary. “As we respond to God’s call to be holy, we must love the sacrament of confession,” said the presider. He further exhorted the Montfort Lay Associates to carry Jesus wherever they are. In response to this, the Lay Associates through their representative, Mr. Nyopowa, promised to make Jesus Christ and His mother known and loved through their lives.
The Parish priest of Sitima, Fr. Owen congratulated the group for perseverance and commitment throughout the journey. He encouraged them to be visible in the parish by giving life in the small Christian Communities and other groups. Fr. Owen concluded by saying, “The commitment you have made today before God, before the blessed Virgin and before us all, is dying to self and letting Jesus through Mary lead you. Please, be examples to your children and to all the Christians”.
Finally, the celebration ended with a meal together with all the attendees.
Fr. Bernard MAGANGA, SMM