Preparation for Total Consecration to Our Lady

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Preparation for Total Consecration to Our Lady

Montfort News
Published by Kathy Riley in Great Britain and Ireland · Monday 27 Apr 2020 ·  3:00
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33 Days of Prayer with St. Louis-Marie de Montfort
LIVERPOOL - Each year at Sandymount and Montfort House in Liverpool, we do the 33-day preparation sessions at different times throughout the year according to the timetable proposed in the prayer book.
It was announced at New Dawn conference last August 2019 in Walsingham by Monsignor Armitage that 2020 is going to be the year that England returns to Our Lady and the people could prepare for this with the help of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort’s teachings. Kathy Riley, the manager of the Sandymount House of prayer and retreat shared her experience: “I thought this is so fitting to my role being at New Dawn to give a talk on St. Louis-Marie. I believe this is a Divine plan. The sessions started on the 21st of February and ended on the Feast of the Annunciation on the 25th of March. The Feast was supposed to be celebrated with Mass in all cathedrals on the 29th of March. However, due to the lockdown, it was livestreamed from many cathedrals.”
I went back to Liverpool and spoke to Fr. Bob, SMM, then to Fr. Kieran, SMM, and later to Fr. Des, SMM, also to a colleague, Aidan, with my idea for a small Marian conference with speakers at Sandymount each week during the 33 days of prayer and preparation. I got a good response and I decided to go on retreat to collect my thoughts and plan over the new year to prepare. It was a long drive back to Walsingham in the winter, but it was a fruitful retreat and lots of ideas.
I gave talks in various churches and sold our books for this preparation. It was well received there with a huge love for St. Louis-Marie. We had wonderful blessed talks from Fr. Bob and Fr. Desmond. Unfortunately, we missed Fr. Kieran’s talk due to conflict of schedule but maybe that can be rescheduled after this trying time of lockdown.
On the 21st of February, we started our 33-day sessions in preparation for the total consecration of ourselves to Our Lady, just like what the rest of the country did, being led by Monsignor Armitage at Walsingham (the Shrine of Our Lady).
We were a month into our preparation when UK was put into lockdown. We carried on and I kept in touch with all our group members in social media. We meet regularly through Zoom.
England returned Our Lady and her dowry on the 29th of March with livestreamed Mass from Walsingham and had a phenomenal number of watchers in our country and throughout the world.
St. Louis-Marie has been evident and a huge part of this wonderful blessing currently for our country and in its history due to the preparation for the total consecration to Our Lady. But what is important is that I feel his gentleness as he leads us to Our Lady who gently leads us to her Son Jesus.
I thank God that I was privileged to be part of such a divine adventure.
To Jesus through Mary.
Kathy Riley
Manager of Sandymount House of Prayer and Retreats
Company of Mary

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