SMM Philippines welcomes New Novices

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SMM Philippines welcomes New Novices

Montfort News
Published by Montfort Communications in Philippines · Friday 18 Aug 2023 ·  1:45
Tags: NUPHL1053

QUEZON CITY, Philippines - On July 31, 2023, a serene morning at 6:30 AM marked the commencement of the Novitiate Program at the SMM Delegation House with a soulful morning prayer led by Rev. Fr. Norwyn V. BAYDO, SMM, the Philippine Delegation Superior and Rev. Fr. Paul Arnel L. LUCERO, SMM, the Novice Master. The prayerful atmosphere set the tone for the significant event that followed. The Rite of Entrance to the Novitiate Program took place, welcoming two new novices, Jessie James DATULAYTA and Jay Birte CUMALING, into the SMM community.
The ceremony was attended by a congregation of SMM priests and brothers, scholastics, and collaborators, who gathered to witness and support the initiation of the new novices. The novitiate program is a critical phase in the spiritual and personal formation of those pursuing a religious vocation within the congregation. It marks a pivotal moment in their journey of dedication and service to the Church and society.
Following the meaningful ritual, the attendees celebrated the occasion with a sumptuous breakfast, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie. The novices were warmly embraced into the SMM family, with the entire congregation eager to guide and support them throughout their novitiate journey.
The event not only symbolizes the personal commitment of the new novices but also exemplifies the vitality and continuity of the SMM's mission and values. As they embark on this transformative path, Jessie James DATULAYTA and Jay Birte CUMALING are set to learn, grow, and contribute meaningfully to the spiritual and social fabric of the world around them. May their novitiate period be filled with blessings, wisdom, and grace as they answer the call to serve and follow their chosen path with faith and dedication.
Glory to God Alone through Mary!
Montfort Communications - Philippines

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