The Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts in Malawi takes shape

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The Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts in Malawi takes shape

Montfort News
Published by Paul Samudeni in Africa Anglophone · Thursday 12 Mar 2020
Tags: NUAFA628

BVUMBWE-MALAWI: On 9th February, 2020 more than 20 to-be members of Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts (AMQAH) had a pilgrimage to Michiru Shrine in Blantyre. Putting into practice what our Father, St. Louis-Marie de Montfort states in the Rule of the Missionary, at least 20 Christians who are undergoing formation to become members of AMQAH conducted joint prayers at Michiru Shrine in Blantyre in order for them to quench their spiritual thirst. The lay people were from two parishes namely; Bvumbwe (Ugandan Martyrs) Parish in Thyolo district and St. Louis of Montfort Parish in Balaka district respectively.
The pilgrimage began at 7:30 AM as Fr. Anthony Chilolo, SMM directed Balaka and Bvumbwe members in Michiru Shrine where they disposed their hearts to prayers.
“We prayed all the three mysteries of the Rosary namely; Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries respectively. The way of the Rosary began at 8:30 AM till 11:30 AM. The theme of the way of the Rosary was to ‘Strengthen the Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts (AMQAH),’” he said.
During the way of the Rosary, members were urged to pray for the group that has just started here in Malawi. Michiru shrine is one of the holy places in Malawi which is situated in Blantyre where people often go to have a desert experience. There is the Way of the Rosary and at the other side there is the Way of the Cross. As children of Montfort, the call to live with Jesus through Mary was realized through having the Way of the Rosary.
After the Rosary, we had the Eucharistic celebration from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM led by Fr. Anthony, SMM. In his homily he urged us to be the light of the whole world in deeds of love and mercy. We have to develop the love of the poor by following Father Montfort himself who opted for the poor. The Way of the Rosary has to be translated into something tangible.
Fr. Anthony further said that the light is not to be looked at directly. The Lay Associates are lights, but we are not expected to do good deeds to call attention on ourselves, to be admired and praised. People must not look at us; they must not look at our good deeds. We must remain hidden as possible, because if the light strikes the eyes directly, it does not light up anymore, but it hurts and blinds.
We came back at 4 PM, filled with enthusiasm and we appreciated the togetherness and the whole program. Furthermore, we appreciate the Montfort Spirituality and promised to spread it to those who do not yet know it.

Paul Samudeni
                                                                           Secretary-Montfort Lay Associates-Malawi

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