The Entry of the Pre-novices into the Novitiate and the First Profession of Bro. Anthonydoss, SMM

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The Entry of the Pre-novices into the Novitiate and the First Profession of Bro. Anthonydoss, SMM

Montfort News
Published by Montfort Communications in India · Wednesday 12 Jun 2024
Tags: NUIDA1163

KANATHI, India - On 30th of May 2024 at Sneha Bhavan, the young pre-novices, after a sufficient period of preparation and formation, made their entry into the novitiate. Fr. Sebastian RAJ, SMM, the Superior of the Vice-province of India accepted their consent to follow Christ radically in the footsteps of St. Montfort through an intense period of formation in the novitiate.
After the liturgy of the word, Fr. Peter SWAMY, SMM gave a homily on the divine aspect of the call and the importance of listening to God’s voice. The novices were given the Holy Bible and the writings of St. Montfort which will guide and illumine their journey of life as Montfortian religious. The ceremony was ended with eucharistic blessing by the Superior.
Moreover, on 31st of May, on the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Anthonydoss, the novice, after one year of intense preparation in the novitiate at Kanathi, Sneha Bhavan, made his first profession in the presence of the Superior, Montfortian confreres, diocesan and religious priests, religious sisters, brothers and lay faithful. It was a grace-filled and a joyous celebration.
The Holy Mass was presided by Fr. Sebastian RAJ, SMM while the homily was delivered by Fr. Peter SWAMY, SMM who emphasized the challenges and advantages of religious life based on the scripture. After which, Bro. Anthonydoss, in the presence of the sacred gathering, made his first profession according to the constitutions of the Company of Mary.
After the Holy Mass, there was a short felicitation ceremony. Fr. Judis VALAN, SMM felicitated the provincial team and thanked the gathering. The Superior thanked everyone who were present for the celebration and felicitated the newly professed. Everyone congratulated Bro. Anthonydoss as he cut the cake. Likewise, Bro. Anthonydoss also thanked everyone present and all those who helped him to become a religious in the Company of Mary.
Finally, the celebration was ended with a delicious fellowship meal. It was indeed a memorable and meaningful celebration.
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