The Spirit of 'la Charité'
Published by Fr. Stefan MUSANAI, SMM; Fr. Charles Leta, SMM in Netherlands · Thursday 04 May 2023 · 1:45
Tags: NU, NED, 1004
Tags: NU, NED, 1004
VROENHOF, Netherlands - On April 28, we celebrated the feast of Saint Montfort in the community of Vroenhof. This year's feast was a little different because of the arrival of Fr. Sintus DEPA, SMM. Besides Fr. Charles LETA, SMM and myself, he is the 3rd young Montfortian from Indonesia in the Netherlands. Fr. Wim PEETERS, SMM is currently in the Netherlands on holiday and was therefore also able to attend the celebration in Vroenhof. Also present were Sr. Petronilla Groot, fdls and the staff of our two communities (Vroenhof and Schimmert). Their presence really gave a different colour and atmosphere to the feast.
Fr. Peter DENNEMAN, SMM presided over the Eucharist. The prepared texts had Montfortian atmosphere. The Hymns of Montfort were sung together and they brought back the extraordinary missionary spirit of Montfort. ‘Cantique de la Charité’ (C148) took us in search of God, the Wisdom hidden in those around us. For me, this beautiful song is very clear for our mission in the Netherlands. Individualistic and selfish mentality that has a strong influence in society remove us even further from others. Everything for myself. We deify ourselves.
Meanwhile, there are many refugees all over the world including in the Netherlands. They are far from their homeland and need our presence, a warm heart. They deserve to live free and happy lives like us. Through their presence, God calls us to share hearts, feelings and joys. God is present in encounters with fellow human beings. This Hymn inspires us to care more about those around us. The weather in the Netherlands is often cold but we always try to be warm to those around us. This is where the ‘Cantique de la Charité’ inspires us in our mission.