Montfort in the Valley of Saints Bretons

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Montfort in the Valley of Saints Bretons

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Marco PASINATO, SMM in France · Monday 16 Oct 2023 ·  1:45
Tags: NUFRA1078
[FR]  [IT]

BRITTANY, France - A statue of Montfort was recently installed in the Vallée des Saints Bretons.
The Valley of Saints is a large hill in Carnoët, in the heart of Brittany, where, inspired by Easter Island, a site has been created where statues of saints, sculpted by artists from around the world, have been installed. The initiators of paying homage to the saints of Brittany and the popular devotion which accompanies them, decided to raise 1000 monumental statues, between 3 and 4 meters high, in blocks of Breton granite in a project started a few years ago and which will continue in the years to come. The statues of Saint Tugdual, Saint Hernin, Saint Gildas, Saint Brieuc, Saint Malo and other holy monks who came from Ireland, Wales and English Cornwall from 400 to 600 a.C. to evangelize Brittany, were the first to illustrate the legendary history of this region.
At the foot of the sculptures, specialized guides reveal their mysteries and allegories every day. Many visitors are enthusiastic about this project which constitutes a permanent tourist event, animated by excursions, concerts, etc.
Today, no less than 190 statues already sit on the grass and the exhibition is enriched with the image of other saints linked to Brittany, including Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort. The statue of the sculptor artist Maximilien Soullier and Marie Sartore represents the saint as a solid tree which offers to those who shelter under the branches of its intercession, the staff of itinerant preaching and the statue of the Virgin Mary which carries his Son Jesus in her arms.
In the Valley, there is also a Gallic fountain whose water had the power to heal animals. It flows under a chapel of great charm. In the center of the area, a feudal mound and its moat dominate the valley.

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