New Book Presented

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New Book Presented

Montfort News
Published by Marian Claeren in Netherlands · Thursday 23 Oct 2014 ·  1:45
Tags: NUNED181

Valkenburg - On the feast of Mary’s Birth, September 8, special professions and ordinations were celebrated. Jules Habets was 50 years priest, Wim Peeters 40 years. Jan Lathouwers is 40 years professed on December 8th, Adrian Stolk 70 years; Hub Louis and Pee de Waard 60 years, Simon Kuijten and Frans Luiten 50 years. After the Holy Mass and coffee, the guests went back to the Chapel for the presentation of the book "In the footsteps of the Crucified" to the confreres and sisters of Wisdom. Hein Blommestijn o.carm. was invited to reflect on the spirituality of the Cross. Also present was Will van der Ven, head of communication of the Dutch Conference of the Religious. Wiel Logister smm wrote this book with the Bible, Montfort and modern life in Western-Europe in mind. ‘It is not an easy book´, Peter Denneman admits in his foreword and he advises the reader to take ´a meditative reading position´. Difficulty is the change of attitude towards the spirituality of the Cross. This development is also reflected in the Montfortian constitutions. Prior to Vaticanum II the members called for great respect and love to deal with the crosses in their lives. The focus from the present followers of Montfort is commitment with those in need and in spite of ascetism, repentance and penance. One of the central questions in this book is, is not this an (too) extreme contradiction. In other words, maybe helping our fellow man demands a different lifestyle and thinking pattern from us? It was a fruitful day with so many confreres and sisters and others to be together again.

-Marian Claeren



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