A new bishop in France

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A new bishop in France

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Marco PASINATO, SMM in France · Tuesday 24 Jan 2023 ·  2:00
Tags: NUFRA958

RENNES, France - Since January 22, 2023, the archdiocese of Rennes (where Montfort-sur-Meu is located) has a new auxiliary bishop.

It was the day when Archbishop Mgr. Pierre D'ORNELLAS presided, in the cathedral of Rennes, the episcopal ordination of Jean BONDU, a priest from the Diocese of Luçon (where Saint Laurent-sur-Sèvre is located). At the end of the Celebration, the new bishop spoke of Father de Montfort in these terms:

“God Alone. At the end of this celebration, you will receive a souvenir image, a bookmark, reproducing the image of Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, icon venerated in the church of Montfort-sur-Meu. This great Breton saint, who died in Vendée, united the two dioceses of Rennes and Luçon. I wanted with this image to pay tribute to the parish of Montfort-sur-Meu, which has suffered in recent weeks. May the charism of Saint Louis-Marie keep us in faith, charity, and hope. Saint Louis-Marie rests in Saint Laurent-sur-Sèvre with two words on his tomb: “God Alone”.

Yes, everything is hidden in God, or rather everything is reborn in Him alone. Grignion de Montfort preached a return to our Baptism, so that Christians live from this birth in God, so that they rediscover the love with which they are personally chosen, so that they can be guided to Jesus through Mary. God Alone. The motto that I have chosen “All are yours, and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God” (cf. 1Co 3:22-23) corresponds to the spirituality of Montfort:
everything is yours in this beautiful freedom that binds us to Christ, a true freedom in which God has offered us love, in which he offers us to one another. But we forget too often, too quickly that we belong to ourselves only because God holds us in his love and in his life. As Maurice Zundel, one of my favorite authors, wrote, “‘God is not an intuition, but a discovery’. Let us set out to belong to Christ and also, through him, to belong to God; we gain life”.


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