We are really at the end and Saturday and Sunday will be special days.
After the prayer, Fr. Jean Claude draws the map of these three days and invites us to live them fully as we have done so far.
After the prayer, Fr. Jean Claude draws the map of these three days and invites us to live them fully as we have done so far.

Directed by our leader, Fr. Jean Claude, who does not give up, the morning was busy to complete some work: we can clearly see that the conclusion of the chapter is imminent.

At the beginning of our day, Father General rightly reminded us that the Chapter does not end with the election of the new Council! So, let's get to work! Fr. Jean Claude LAVIGNE, our facilitator, takes the reins and immediately puts us to work.

After a day of break, the third week of work for our Chapter begins with the approval to move forward with the project of the IMA Fund to give substance to what was discussed on Saturday.

What are the feelings that inhabit your heart the days after your election as 23rd successor of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort?

Today's agenda is not going according to plan, but according to new developments that have arisen along the way. But let's go in order.

Today again, we lived a very intense day which passionately involved all the members of the chapter. Putting aside the work on the "Acts of the Chapter", the assembly received three very engaging information:

After the intense day of yesterday concluded with the barbecue at the General Curia, today we resumed our work. The prayer is led by the Indian confreres who are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the foundation this year.