17 May - General Chapter 2023

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17 May - General Chapter 2023

Montfort News
Published by Communications in Rome · Wednesday 17 May 2023 ·  1:30
Tags: NUGEN1025
[FR]  [IT]

May 17
At the beginning of our day, Father General rightly reminded us that the Chapter does not end with the election of the new Council! So, let's get to work! Fr. Jean Claude LAVIGNE, our facilitator, takes the reins and immediately puts us to work. First of all, we approve the letter of the capitulars to all the confreres on the attention that we must pay to the Montfort Places in France, a spiritual and material heritage to be preserved and valued in our mission.

The reading of the final document which will become “The Acts of the Chapter” then begins. Part by part is read, commented on with proposed changes. So, we arrive at lunchtime. In the afternoon, the same work resumes. It is up to the steering committee to make the final draft, which will then be voted on definitively.
Father Dwi then wishes to meet with his new team, the group of the outgoing administration. The cordial meeting continues and is very fraternal and fruitful.

Today the prayer is led by the confreres from Papua New Guinea. The Eucharist is presided over by Fr. Aloisius BANGGUR … but the chronicler did not understand anything of what he said because of the consequences that we are still paying after the attempt to build the Tower of Babel! Although a bit prolonged, he must have satisfied the assembly with his homily, given the laughter that accompanied the whole homily!

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