INDIA: Entry to the SMM Novitiate
We are happy and overjoyed to write about our entry to the novitiate.
The day that we cannot ever forget and a beautiful moment to cherish to the days to come.
KANATHI, India – On 30th May 2018, during the morning prayer, in the presence of our Superior General, Rev. Fr. Luis Augusto Stefani SMM, the General assistant, Fr. Rozario Menezes SMM along with the Secretary General, Fr. Balaswamy SMM, our Novice Master, Fr. Reni Joseph SMM and many of our Indian confreres, we made our entry to the SMM Novitiate.
During the rite, we were given the Holy Scripture, SMM Constitution and a Montfortian Cross to wear on our neck. We were excited to receive them as powerful symbols of our connection with the Lord Jesus and to the Congregation. Rev. Fr. Balaswamy gave a very meaningful homily that inspired all of us as he invited us to enter in the very womb of our Blessed Mother to be formed in the image of her Son Jesus. Hence, we Balraju ARIKA, Prashanth KUMAR and Vijay PRAKASH were introduced to the Montfortian Religious life. We thank our Superior General for his valuable presence and in accepting us to the SMM Novitiate.
-Balraju and Vijay