Montfortian Marian Days

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Montfortian Marian Days

Montfort News
Published by Paulo VICTORIA in Portugal · Friday 11 Nov 2022 ·  3:45
Tags: NUPOR927
[FR]  [ES]  [PT]

FÁTIMA, Portugal - On October 22 and 23, after the suspension due to Covid 19, the Marian Montfortian Days returned. The meeting organized by the Montfort Missionaries, mainly by Fathers Carlos VIEIRA, Luís OLIVEIRA and Amílcar TAVARES, took place at the Conceptionist Sisters of Fatima.
During these two days, about 200 people, in addition to familiarizing themselves with the spirituality of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort, had the opportunity to pray. The organization has sought, in the room where the conferences took place, to create an environment of proximity, a domestic hearth where Wisdom dwells. Besides the reflections presented by the speakers, there was the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Rosary in the Chapels of the Apparitions on Saturday and the Sunday Eucharist at the Sanctuary. It is therefore in this “House of Wisdom” that these two days of sharing and prayer took place, where the participants had the opportunity to question the speakers, and even to bear witness to their lives.
On the first day, it was Mgr. Rui VALÉRIO, SMM, who made the first reflection. He began by defining that "the wise man is not the one who only has knowledge! He is also the one who puts it into practice”. There must be a correspondence between what is believed and what is experienced. In this sense, “Jesus Christ is True Wisdom. True God and True Man”. For this reason, Christian wisdom is different from that of the Greek, Sophia. “She does not come from nature. She comes from Above! Richer than gold or precious stones. Wisdom is the best, the most beautiful, the true and conforms to God's plan. Jesus is perfection and for us to be perfect we must put Christ to work in us, through us.
Father Miguel QUISSOLA, SMM, started from the diagnosis made to Western society. There is a crisis of cultural identity. “There is an attraction to the East: Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. The Christians make a syncretism. They mix everything up because they don't have the knowledge of Christianity. Christians are not very enlightened”. We must desire Wisdom and spirituality seeks this union of Man with God. Wisdom, as Montfort tells us, is not the accumulation of knowledge, but intimacy with the Lord. “To desire Wisdom is to desire Jesus Christ”.
This was followed by a very interesting panel of testimonies on the importance of Consecration in life: Maria Leonor CARNEIRO, airline pilot; Maria Leonor GERALDES, administrative secretary of a travel agency; Rebeca CALHEIROS, a 19-year-old Brazilian studying in Portugal; and Manuel da FONSECA, Architect.
Father Delfim AFONSO, SMM, started from the Holy Scriptures and the documents of the Church to present the place of Mary in Christian worship. “We are not Mariologists or Mariólaters. For us, Mary is not an idol. We are Christians! In the spirituality of Montfort, Mary is the easiest way to reach Jesus, as Lumen Gentium tells us in nº 62.
On the second day, Sr. Ângela COELHO, ASM, Vice-Postulator for the cause of beatification and canonization of Sr. Lúcia de Jesus, spoke about Saint John Paul II and his relationship with the Message of Fatima. It was based on 3 gifts that he offered to Our Lady (the rosary in 1982; the ring in 1991 and the bullet of the attack in 2000) as a metaphor for a life given to the Lord and to his Church through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The ring was donated by Stefan WYSZYŃSKI, Primate of Poland, in 1978, when John Paul II was elected Pope. Inside is engraved the motto “TOTUS TUUS”.
After these Reflections, rich in message and experience, these Days ended with the presentation of the Association Mary Queen of All Hearts and the renewal of the Montfortian Consecration of all the participants.
In closing, Father Amílcar TAVARES, SMM, Superior of the Delegation of the Montfort Missionaries in Portugal, in addition to thanking all the participants, announced the continuation of the Days next year. The comments on these days have been very positive.
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