The First Term of our Novitiate Process in the Montfortian International Novitiate, Philippines

We have seen Pope Francis!

Providence at Work

Life in the Montfortian International Novitiate, Philippines

Entrance to a Wonderful Journey as Montfortians

First Professions at Bulacan, Philippines

The Montfortian Month

Meeting of Priests and Scholastics on the Protection of the Vulnerable

PHILIPPINES: Filipino Students Join the International Scholasticate in India

CEBU, Philippines: A Grace-filled Pilgrimage 2014

PHILIPPINES: Consecration of TTJ Batch 12 in Cebu

PHILIPPINES: “Open the door to Jesus”

PHILIPPINES: Montfortian Parish Feast Day Celebration

PHILIPPINES: The Postulancy and the Mission Team in Cebu celebrate Family Day 2013

PHILIPPINES: Updates from the International Novitiate

PHILIPPINES: TTJ Formators Training in Cebu