NICARAGUA - In the San Luis María de Montfort chapel of the Latin American Montfortian Novitiate of Paipa, on December 8, 2024, on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, at 5:00 p.m.; the religious ceremony was held, where 3 young people of Nicaraguan nationality and belonging to the United States-Nicaragua Entity.....

CHONTALES Nicaragua - On 5th October 2024, the Company of Mary, a Montfortian missionary community in Nicaragua of the American Vice Province, commemorated the 50 years of its presence in this beautiful country, with profound gratitude to GOD ALONE....

RÍO SAN JUAN, Nicaragua - From 1st to 5th of August 2022, the Montfortian community together with the clergy of the diocese of Juigalpa and Río San Juan in Nicaragua participated in the Annual Retreat. All the clergy of the diocese together with Bishop Marcial Humberto made the consecration to Jesus through Mary using the ...

NICARAGUA - The Montfortian Community in Nicaragua celebrated the feast of the Founder, Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort in the Parish Santiago Apóstol, Santo Tomás and in the Parish Maria Queen of All Hearts La Gateada. During the Eucharistic celebration, the religious and lay Montfortians renewed their consecration to Jesus through Mary...

CONNECTICUT, USA - Sunday, April 3rd, Bishop Paul Chomnycky, OSBM, head of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Stamford, led a gathering of Ukrainian and Latin Rite Catholics at our Montfort Shrine: Grotto of Lourdes in Litchfield for a “Moleben” to the Mother of God / Prayers for Ukraine. Despite a cold and rainy day, the Chapel was filled, many having been born in Ukraine or with relatives now in grave danger. The prayers, litanies and hymns were all sung in Ukrainian, in a spontaneous choral harmony. The Prayers to the Mother of God ended with the Lourdes Hymn, sung at the Grotto.

USA - The USA Vice Province of the Montfort Missionaries gathered on February 18th and 19th for our Assembly. We were grateful to God that we were able to gather for the first time in person since the beginning of the pandemic. Unfortunately, we weren’t all together. Our brothers in the Nicaraguan mission were not able to join us in person but we did gather through the technology of ZOOM. We welcomed Fr. Luizinho and Fr. Wismick who were able to spend a good amount of time with us...

NICARAGUA - As part of the 2019 Continental Montfortian Missionary Year, we, the Montfortians in Nicaragua, have the joy and privilege of having with us, from March 12 to April 1, 2019, Father Wismick Jean-Charles, Assistant...