« Maria, alle hjerters droning » - Mary, Queen of All Hearts

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« Maria, alle hjerters droning » - Mary, Queen of All Hearts

Montfort News
Published by Reidun Jofrid KLEPPESTRAND in Rome · Friday 15 Dec 2023 ·  2:00
Tags: NUGEN1111

BERGEN, Norway - The 8th of December was a great day for us in Bergen as it certainly was for all of you. For our little group of 9 people, it was great to celebrate the presence of 12 more people who did their consecration for the first time and eventually enrolled in our group. Hence, our group is now more than doubled!
This was also our first time to plan, prepare and organize for a group for the consecration to Jesus through Mary after we recently got the status as an independent center and Dom Grzegorz Can. Reg. was appointed as our spiritual director.
In October, we openly invited people in the parish to come for a meeting where we spoke about Mary, Montfort, and consecration. As a matter of fact, twelve of them decided to start, and during their 33 days of preparation, Dom Grzegorz gave weekly teaching in themes related to the consecration as a support and deepening.
Moreover, Dom Grzegorz Can. Reg. made a beautiful liturgy on the consecration day which was celebrated at the chapel of his Augustine monastery in Bergen (Augustinerkorherrene). During the ceremony, we had a psalm with invocation of the Holy Spirit, Readings from the Scripture, sermon, renouncing of the devil, confessing of the Faith (the Creed), holy water, consecration prayer from Montfort read loudly together, and blessing. Afterwards, we all gathered to celebrate further with lots of good food!
In conclusion, we are sure that the Holy Spirit, with the intercession of our dear Mother, will guide us on our next steps in our mission. Besides, Dom Grzegorz and I have already recorded 3 TV programs during the previous weeks for EWTN Norway, and we might go on with more. The translation of Montfort’s literature is also in our to-do list. Hopefully, we will be able to translate what is most needed for the next period of preparation for consecration early in the new year.
Bergen, Norway

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