Co-bread of Hope

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Co-bread of Hope

Montfort News
Published by Jacqueline DESCHÊNES in Canada · Monday 02 May 2022
Tags: NUCAN840
[FR]  [ES]

MONTREAL, Canada - The good Pope Francis declared a World Day of the Poor six years ago. Following this request and the example of Father de Montfort and the will of Blessed Marie-Louise Trichet who told us to take good care of the poor, the Mary Queen of Hearts Sanctuary of Montreal set up the “Co-pain de l’espoir” committee which is animated by this Word of the Gospel: Let us not only love in word, but by deeds (Jn 3,18).
Caring for the needy is an integral part of the Montfortian mission. We are looking for simple and concrete ways to get in touch with these lonely, vulnerable, sick or elderly people. Beyond punctual help, our desire is to reach out to these people, break their isolation, give them confidence and make them live pleasant moments.
The observation is striking. We realize that there is indeed a gap between these people and us, that their reality is very different from ours. It is destabilizing and at the same time, it allows us to better understand some of their reactions. In fact, we evangelize ourselves through contact with them.
Here is an overview of the events that have been organized so far, with and for these people: day at the sugar shack - apple picking - garden party - picnic - Christmas dinner.
Also, in connection with the diocesan organizations, we participate:
at the annual celebration presided over by Father Claude Paradis, parish priest of Notre-Dame de la rue, for the deceased homeless whose bodies have not been claimed; Meals for the poor organized at the Chic Resto Pop; World Day of the Poor; Food distribution for the homeless in Montreal every Thursday evening at the Place d'Armes metro station; Montreal homeless night.
In addition, with the approval of the members of the executive committee of the Mary Queen of Hearts Sanctuary of Montreal, we have partnered and are involved with the Chic Resto Pop for the monthly preparation of food baskets, the purchase of coupons meals, the integration of certain people for training, whether to become assistant cooks, cafeteria customer service attendants, reception clerks, etc.
In conclusion, reaching out to the poor testifies the trust in the Providence on the road that warms hearts.
Jacqueline DESCHÊNES
Montfortian Associate

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