Consecration to Jesus through Mary for three Novices

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Consecration to Jesus through Mary for three Novices

Montfort News
Published by Bro. Anselmus, SMM in Papua New Guinea · Monday 05 Feb 2024 ·  3:00
Tags: NUPNG1128

KIUNGA, Papua New Guinea - Consecration is a wonderful and exciting journey.  It begins with the thirty-three days of silence, prayer, and reflections. Four Montfort Fathers journeyed and helped three novices in deepening their knowledge of the World, the Self, Mary and of Jesus. As it was stressed by many people and even the Delegation Superior, Fr. Aloisius BANGGUR, SMM: “It will be history in the Company of Mary in Daru-Kiunga diocese that after sixty-five years of its mission and first of its kind, Montfort Novices will be consecrating themselves in the Montfortian way”.
Nothing happens by accident in the grace of God. It was indeed a blessed day for the novices and the Montfortian family to have their consecration on the 351st birthday of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort. Like Saint Louis, the novices, namely Godwin, Tresi Larouche and Anselmus have to walk in a new way of life and that is the renewal of their baptismal promises in the ways of the founder.
The celebration began at 5pm. There were four parts of the liturgy: allegiance to the Word, the novices swear to keep the Word as their sole guide in the mission as Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort did, the renewal of the baptismal promises. Saint Montfort emphasizes on keeping the baptismal promises; the third part was the signing of the covenant of love which is the pronouncement of the consecration formula and finally, everything is offered to God in the liturgy of the Eucharist.
Fr. Roy MILLANO, SMM was the Mass presider and was concelebrated by Fr. Aloisius. In Fr. Roy’s homily, he emphasized what is ‘consecration’. He said, “Consecration is an act of being holy, setting something or someone apart solely for God’s purpose”. The concrete example he used was the altar table and the sacred vessels that were set apart only for the celebration of the Eucharist and not to be used for any other events.  Likewise, consecrated persons are also set apart only for God’s glory and the mission for His Kingdom. This consecration was very much reflected upon the very life of Jesus-Wisdom whose “food is to do the will of the Father” and His Blessed Mother on her fiat.  The life of the Blessed Virgin mirrors this journey; on how she was being prepared by God for the special purpose and her readiness in faith to accept and give herself totally for the mission as Mother of God.
Moreover, the novices and the faithful who came to witness this consecration were encouraged to follow the life of Mary and Saint Louis to do great things for God by trying every day to keep their Baptismal Promises.
The beautiful liturgy took place in the newly built grotto, thanks to the help of many benefactors, especially the Filipino community. After the Eucharist, the Montfortians, together with friends who were present, cut the cake and shared a little food to commemorate the 351st birthday of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort. In addition, while sharing the ice cream, Bro. Anselm verbally tried to give a summary of the life of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort.
Bro. Anselmus, SMM

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