Day of the Vice-Province of Canada

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Day of the Vice-Province of Canada

Montfort News
Published by Bro. Gilles PAQUETTE, SMM in Canada · Tuesday 21 Nov 2023 ·  2:00
Tags: NUCAN1099

CANADA - On November 15, 2023, at the request of the Generalate, the Marie-Reine-des-Coeurs Shrine hosted a meeting to share the minutes of the last General Chapter. The day began with an appropriate song for the day, “Tournée vers l'Avenir” by “Jo Akepsimas” and the General Chapter prayer.
Father Doris TOMBAOSA, SMM, Superior of the Vice-Province, welcomed us to share 3 questions retained from the General Chapter. “There is no director or facilitator, he said. It will be done in a synodal style. After the presentation of the agenda, Father Doris gave us the vice-province report, in which he described the current reality of our vice-province, which comprises 14 priest confreres and one brother confrere. Thanks to our two young Madagascan confreres and an Indonesian confrère. Our average age is now 72. Nevertheless, we are an ageing and fragile vice-province.
Moreover, the assembly was then divided into three groups. Each group was invited to share its thoughts on one of the three themes presented in the General Chapter report:
  1. Identity: Daring to be formed like Christ in the school of Mary.
  2. Evangelization: Dare to embody the Good News.
  3. Passing on the charism: Dare to live and pass on together the fruitfulness of the Montfortian charism.     
Each group shared its theme by asking itself 3 questions:
  • What has already been done?
  • What still needs to be done or improved?  
  • What do we find difficult to achieve in our current context?     
Afterwards, we exchanged news of our places of involvement over a good meal. In the afternoon, we held a plenary session of the 3 groups' reports. The sharing in plenary was very positive and encouraging for the future.
In conclusion, Father Doris invited us to return to our various mission sites and see how the three themes can be applied there. The day ended at La Montfort with the singing of the Salve Regina.

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