Intercultural and Intergenerational Weekend

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Intercultural and Intergenerational Weekend

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Olivier Nantenaina RAMAHENINTSOA, SMM in France · Friday 23 Feb 2024 ·  1:45
Tags: NUFRA1133

PONTCHÂTEAU, France - On February 10 and 11, 2024, a session on interculturality organized by the Daughters of Wisdom brought together young Montfortians in Pontchâteau under the leadership of three priests from the Society of African Missions, Fathers Laurent, Roger and Etienne. The event was attended by 19 sisters from the Daughters of Wisdom and 2 young Montfort missionaries, namely Fr. Eric MANIRAKIZA, SMM and Fr. Olivier RAMAHENINTSOA, SMM.
The objective of this session was to share impressions of the cultural diversity of the missionary communities in France. The participants particularly explored African proverbs and thought about how these values ​​can be integrated into their respective communities. Besides, an observation emerged from these exchanges. Although cultures differ, they shared many fundamental values ​​such as welcome and solidarity.
However, it was highlighted that some of these values ​​are declining in some cultures, stressing the importance of cultivating and preserving these essential elements. The importance of mutual listening and dialogue in the expression of culture was emphasized, as well as the need to recognize and value the diversity of perspectives. Solidarity was also mentioned as an essential value, promoting living together and fraternity. While solidarity is often associated with Africa, it was noted that it is also present in France, although in different forms. Above all, openness to others was presented as a key element of interculturality, requiring patience, dialogue and kindness to overcome misunderstandings and differences.
In conclusion, this intercultural and intergenerational weekend gave significance to the richness of cultural diversity. It also stressed the importance of cultivating attitudes of welcome, understanding and solidarity in communities. Indeed, it was a boost for this mission so dear to our hearts.
Fr. Olivier Nantenaina RAMAHENINTSOA, SMM

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